Networking without programming or using netcat, echo, head and file system to create X11 windows


This post is continuation of previous crazy post about creating X11 windows with c and sockets but a little more crazier. There is a thin line between genious and insanity and this time winds blew us to the side of crazines. The problem is that I nerd sniped myself into thinking that since opening X11 windows is just “networking”, it should be possible in few lines of bash to send correct bytes to X server and open a window.

A little disclaimer. My knowledge of bash is close to zero and what I am about to do is probably all bad bash practices collected in one place but it works. I am sure there are bash experts there that can tell what could have been done better and I will be very glad to hear about that. But for now this is all I got.

Since I used netcat for different learning and debugging purposes I thought that I could just somehow do the same thing with X server. The illusion was that I could initiate a connection, get a socket/fd and then just send bytes with several netcat commands. But after initial research I found that it is not possible to do with netcat. My limitation was “I can only use whatever is intalled on my computer” and cannot use programmig languages like python or perl by sending stringified code to them. First I though “well it is not possible” and just forgot about it for a while but then got an idea of sending netcat to the background.

When launched netcat allows us to send and recieve bytes bu just typing. But since X11 is binary it is hard to type and then decode returned information. Also it is not fun to work with binary by typing it all the time. If we try to send binary data with a script first call to nc will block and we can send just one portion of data. For this we just need to send netcat to “4th dimension” so that we can do our dirty work in our 3rd dimension without being blocked. For this trick to work we will need to maintain some connection with netcat a named (FIFO) pipes.


Tools for today: nc, echo, print, rm, mkfifo, head, cat.

First of all I will create four files. Two fifo files which will function as two pipes to send and recived data from netcat. Two regular files as as temporary buffers for collecting recieved data and collecting data before sending. We don’t actually need this many but I found it to be easier to monitor and debug when something goes wrong. We probably could get away without using any buffering files but it felt easier to use (for me) and I use them as byte arrays.


rm -f $SEND_FIFO;   mkfifo $SEND_FIFO
rm -f $RECIEVE; mkfifo $RECIEVE

Basic setup

Will be storing all variable in /tmp folder but during experimenting phase I was storing them in the same folder where the script was for convenience of inspecting them with hexdump -X. FIFO files are removed on script start to clear data and close all leftover connections.

x11 bash with buffers

Connection setup

We start by just asking netcat to connect to unix domain socket which is one just one more file located at /tmp/.X11-unix/X0.

nc -U /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 < $SEND_FIFO > $RECIEVE_FIFO &

nc -U /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 is a regular command that we usually use. Then we have “<>&” special chars. < is telling next coming file to be our input or in this case change stdin of netcat to be our $SEND_INFO file. > is similar but sets stdout of netcat. And finally we use & to tell bash to send netcat to background and not block our actions. $! is asking bash to give us pid of the last command so that we can store pid of netcat to close it when we are done with it.

This should have been it but unfortunately there is one little detail that took me quite some time to debug. The FIFOs that we created will work fine but commands for reading and writing like echo, cat, head and others will close the stream once they are done. This means that when we use, for example echo, to send data it will send the data and close our FIFO stream and later echo commands just will not work. For this we will use exec command. We are used to use it to “execute” commands but it has one more feature of copying file descriptors. So we will copy our FIFOs into files descriptors with ids of 3 and 4.

exec 3>$SEND_FIFO

With this we do all our writing to fd 3 when we want to send data and read from fd 4 to get result from netcat without closing corresponding streams.

Initialize X11 connection

To initialize connection we will do pretty much the same thing as we did in last post. First send data to ask Xorg for inilization and get back data that is needed for later communication. The only differerence is we will use big endian format for data sending and recieving (in last post we used little endian). It does not really matter which one to use but big endian is a little easier to write and read for a human.

This command we will just write as it is as it is pretty simple.


Very first byte tell if we want to use big endian (0x42) or little endian (0x6c) for communication. Then we have unused byte. Then we have 2 bytes describing major version of protocol. Since we are using X11, the version is 11 or 0xb. In big endian it becomes 0x000b or \x0\b in bash string. Everything else is just 0. These bytes are about authorization but for simplicity we will no use them to reduce amount of commands that we need to write. But for thise to work we would have to temporarily allow programs to start without authorization with “xhost +local:”, to turn it of use “xhost -local:”.

Now we need to send these bytes to netcat which in turn will send it to X server. For this will wil just use simple echo command. -n is used to tell echo to not add newline to the data and -e tell echo to treach ** chars as special char which is needed to input binary data.

echo -n -e $INIT_REQUEST >&3

Here we are redirecting output of echo into fd 3 which in turn will redirect it to sending fifo. Netcat will see data on the pipe, read it and send over. Then it will get response back from X server and send it over ‘sending’ FIFO which will come back at fd 4. But how do we read it? Since it is a stream it will not end and we will get blocked again. I tried several approaches and found that using head command was the easiest.

get_int_1() { file=$1; offset=$2; od --endian=big -j $offset -N 1 -An -t d1 $file; }
get_int_2() { file=$1; offset=$2; od --endian=big -j $offset -N 2 -An -t d2 $file; }
get_int_4() { file=$1; offset=$2; od --endian=big -j $offset -N 4 -An -t d4 $file; }

head -c 8 <&4 > $READ_BUFFER
major_version=$(get_int_2 $READ_BUFFER 2)
minor_version=$(get_int_2 $READ_BUFFER 4)
extra_data_chunks_len=$(get_int_2 $READ_BUFFER 6)
extra_data_len=$(( $extra_data_chunks_len * 4))

We read first 8 bytes from the stream. This is the header. These bytes we redirect and store into our output stash: $READ_BUFFER. -c options tells how many bytes to read. We will be reading from fd 4 and writing to our stash. With this we can use od commands to read specified bytes from file and put them into variables for later use. For simplicity I created 3 utility functions get_int_1, get_int_2, get_int_4 which will read 1, 2, and 4 bytes from a file starting at a specified offset.

For od -j tell rom which byte offset to start reading, -N tells how much to read, -t tell how to format/interpret data: d1 - 1 byte decimal, d2 - 2 byte decimal and d4 - 4 byte decimal.

The most important thing here is extra_data_len. This is needed to tell head how much data is left to read. So with this we just read the rest (about 9k bytes).

head -c $extra_data_len <&4 >> $READ_BUFFER

Here instead of writing to buffer we append to it. With the rest of the data in the buffer we get other required information.

pad() { return $(( (4 - ($1 % 4)) % 4 )); }

resource_id_base=$(get_int_4 $READ_BUFFER 12)
resource_id_mask=$(get_int_4 $READ_BUFFER 16)
length_of_vendor=$(get_int_2 $READ_BUFFER 24)
number_of_formats=$(get_int_1 $READ_BUFFER 29)

vendor_pad=$(pad length_of_vendor)
format_byte_length=$(( 8 * $number_of_formats ))
screen_start_offset=$(( 40 + $length_of_vendor + $vendor_pad + $format_byte_length ))
root_visual_id_offset=$(( $screen_start_offset + 32 ))

root_window=$(get_int_4 $READ_BUFFER $screen_start_offset)
root_visual_id=$(get_int_4 $READ_BUFFER $root_visual_id_offset)

window_id=$(get_next_id local_id resource_id_mask resource_id_base)

Nothing special here. Just read required bytes according to specification. Find offset and read more required bytes. Specifically we need to get resource base, resource mask, root, visual id. These are needed for later communication with X server.

So with this we finished initialization. We told X server that we want to communicate and it responed that it does not mind by giving use some information about how to do the communication.

Create window

Creating window is actually pretty simple. There is not much to setup. Just send data. For this we will use an intermiadiary file buffer to first collect all the bytes and then just send all bytes at once. It is not needed as we can send them piece by piece with echo but is easier to debug. This buffer is then could be inspected with hexdump to verify if we are sending correct data.

cat /dev/null > $SEND_BUFFER 

append_to_file "\x1"  $SEND_BUFFER               # Create Window command ID
append_to_file "\x0"  $SEND_BUFFER               # Depth
append_to_file "\x0\xa" $SEND_BUFFER             # Request Length
append_to_file_int4 $window_id $SEND_BUFFER      # Window ID
append_to_file_int4 $root_window $SEND_BUFFER    # Root Window ID
append_to_file "\x0\xf" $SEND_BUFFER             # X
append_to_file "\x0\xf" $SEND_BUFFER             # Y
append_to_file "\x0\xff" $SEND_BUFFER            # Width
append_to_file "\x0\xff" $SEND_BUFFER            # Height
append_to_file "\x0\x1" $SEND_BUFFER             # Border Width
append_to_file "\x0\x1" $SEND_BUFFER             # WINDOWCLASS_INPUTOUTPUT
append_to_file_int4 $root_visual_id $SEND_BUFFER # Visual ID
append_to_file "\x0\x0\x8\x2" $SEND_BUFFER       # X11_FLAG_WIN_EVENT | X11_FLAG_BACKGROUND_PIXEL
append_to_file "\xff\xff\x0\x0" $SEND_BUFFER     # Background Pixel color
append_to_file "\x0\x0\x80\x1" $SEND_BUFFER      # X11_EVENT_FLAG_EXPOSURE | X11_EVENT_FLAG_KEY_PRESS

cat $SEND_BUFFER >&3

First of all we clear our file buffer by just cat’ing /dev/null onto it. Then we will the file with correct data and at the end just send it over to netcat with “cat &SEND_BUFFER >&3” command. Here all the data should be pretty self explanatory. But let’s explain tricky ones.

First of all lenth is 0xa or 10. It is the length of 4 byte chunks of our input. Create window command is 32 bytes in length but we added 2 extra data points to the payload. Each data popint 4 bytes and thus we get 40 total bytes or 10 four-byte chunks.

X11_FLAG_WIN_EVENT is 0x0800 and X11_FLAG_BACKGROUND_PIXEL is 0x00000002. When we OR them together we get 0x00000802.

X11_EVENT_FLAG_EXPOSURE is 0x8000 and X11_EVENT_FLAG_KEY_PRESS is 0x00000001. When we OR them together we get 0x00008001.

Background pixel is four byte color value in the format of AARRGGBB. Here we set it to red, but you can set it whatever you want.

To fill the buffer file I used append_to_file, append_to_file_int4 utility functions.

append_to_file() {
    data=$1; file=$2;
    echo -e -n $data >> $file;

append_to_file_int4() {
    data=$1; file=$2;
    printf "$(printf "\\%03o" $((data>>24&255)) $((data>>16&255)) $((data>>8&255)) $((data&255)))" >> $file

They are not needed but echo is too overloaded and it makes hard to understand what we are actually doing right now (echo is used to send data to pipe, send data to file and dump debug data). Also printing an integer is not really possible with raw echo so here I used print trick to split integer into bytes and send it to file. Inner printf is creating of 4 raw octal parts of an integer and outer print interprets them as raw bytes and dumps it to file.

Mapping window

With everything else done mapping file is pretty much trivial.

cat /dev/null > $SEND_BUFFER 

append_to_file "\x8\x0\x0\x2" $SEND_BUFFER
append_to_file_int4 $window_id $SEND_BUFFER

cat $SEND_BUFFER >&3

First of all we are clearing our buffer file to zero. Then we just fill in required bytes. 1: opcode (map_window), 2: unused, 3: request length 8b/4=2 and finaly we set the window id we created earlier.

“Event loop”

Now everything is done and we can just put “sleep 5” and it will popup a window for 5 seconds and the close. It is enough for demonstration but I want it to stay open untill closed. For this we just need to continue reading on the output from X server sent back through netcat.


So here instead of reading data through fd 4 as we did before we we will read directly through pipe created for reading output. This is our final read and will be reading endlessly as long as pipe is open. cat will read and dump data in terminal and even though it is not usefull directly it will show that the data is coming from server. Of course it is not event loop in the way we are used to since we are not processing event. But this is pretty close as cat will read available data and then block until we have something more to read.

Final code

Here is everything put together. You can run it with bash ./

Don’t forget to run “xhost +local:” before running this script or X server will not accept connections.

set -e


pad() { return $(( (4 - ($1 % 4)) % 4 )); }

get_next_id() {
    id=$1; mask_id=$2; base=$3; 
    echo $(( ($mask_id & $id) | $base ))

get_int_1() { file=$1; offset=$2; od --endian=big -j $offset -N 1 -An -t d1 $file; }
get_int_2() { file=$1; offset=$2; od --endian=big -j $offset -N 2 -An -t d2 $file; }
get_int_4() { file=$1; offset=$2; od --endian=big -j $offset -N 4 -An -t d4 $file; }

do_write() {
    echo -e -n $data >&3 

append_to_file() {
    data=$1; file=$2;
    echo -e -n $data >> $file;

append_to_file_int4() {
    data=$1; file=$2;
    printf "$(printf "\\%03o" $((data>>24&255)) $((data>>16&255)) $((data>>8&255)) $((data&255)))" >> $file

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rm -f $SEND_FIFO;   mkfifo $SEND_FIFO

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------   SETUP CONNECTION ------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

nc -U /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 < $SEND_FIFO > $RECIEVE_FIFO &
echo PID of nc: $NC_PID

exec 3>$SEND_FIFO

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------   INITIALIZE CONNECTION -------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo '-------- Initialize Connection'

# do_write $INIT_REQUEST >&3
echo -n -e $INIT_REQUEST >&3

head -c 8 <&4 > $READ_BUFFER
major_version=$(get_int_2 $READ_BUFFER 2)
minor_version=$(get_int_2 $READ_BUFFER 4)
extra_data_chunks_len=$(get_int_2 $READ_BUFFER 6)
extra_data_len=$(( $extra_data_chunks_len * 4))

head -c $extra_data_len <&4 >> $READ_BUFFER

resource_id_base=$(get_int_4 $READ_BUFFER 12)
resource_id_mask=$(get_int_4 $READ_BUFFER 16)
length_of_vendor=$(get_int_2 $READ_BUFFER 24)
number_of_formats=$(get_int_1 $READ_BUFFER 29)

vendor_pad=$(pad length_of_vendor)
format_byte_length=$(( 8 * $number_of_formats ))
screen_start_offset=$(( 40 + $length_of_vendor + $vendor_pad + $format_byte_length ))
root_visual_id_offset=$(( $screen_start_offset + 32 ))

root_window=$(get_int_4 $READ_BUFFER $screen_start_offset)
root_visual_id=$(get_int_4 $READ_BUFFER $root_visual_id_offset)

window_id=$(get_next_id local_id resource_id_mask resource_id_base)

echo major: $major_version
echo minor: $minor_version
echo base: $resource_id_base
echo mask: $resource_id_mask
echo len vendor: $length_of_vendor
echo number_of_formats: $number_of_formats
echo root: "$root_window"
echo visual: "$root_visual_id"
echo window_id $window_id
echo root_window $root_window
echo root_visual_id $root_visual_id

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------   CREATE WINDOW  --------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo '-------- Create Window'

cat /dev/null > $SEND_BUFFER 

append_to_file "\x1"  $SEND_BUFFER               # Create Window command
append_to_file "\x0"  $SEND_BUFFER               # Depth
append_to_file "\x0\xa" $SEND_BUFFER             # Request Length
append_to_file_int4 $window_id $SEND_BUFFER      # Window ID
append_to_file_int4 $root_window $SEND_BUFFER    # Root Window ID
append_to_file "\x0\xf" $SEND_BUFFER             # X
append_to_file "\x0\xf" $SEND_BUFFER             # Y
append_to_file "\x0\xff" $SEND_BUFFER            # Width
append_to_file "\x0\xff" $SEND_BUFFER            # Height
append_to_file "\x0\x1" $SEND_BUFFER             # Border Width
append_to_file "\x0\x1" $SEND_BUFFER             # WINDOWCLASS_INPUTOUTPUT
append_to_file_int4 $root_visual_id $SEND_BUFFER # Visual ID
append_to_file "\x0\x0\x8\x2" $SEND_BUFFER       # X11_FLAG_WIN_EVENT | X11_FLAG_BACKGROUND_PIXEL
append_to_file "\xff\xff\x0\x0" $SEND_BUFFER      # Background Pixel color
append_to_file "\x0\x0\x80\x1" $SEND_BUFFER      # X11_EVENT_FLAG_EXPOSURE | X11_EVENT_FLAG_KEY_PRESS

cat $SEND_BUFFER >&3

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------   MAP WINDOW  -----------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo '-------- Map Window'
cat /dev/null > $SEND_BUFFER 

append_to_file "\x8\x0\x0\x2" $SEND_BUFFER
append_to_file_int4 $window_id $SEND_BUFFER

cat $SEND_BUFFER >&3

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------   "EVENT LOOP" ----------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sleep 10

# NOTE: needed for tcp connections
# kill $NC_PID


There is nothing much to conclude. My knowledge of bash is just enough to make litte automation scripts and it is good for that. For anything more than that it is pretty unsual and probably should not be used. Especially it is hard to debug communication over pipes and unix sockets. It is good it is easy to switch to tcp mode for X server and it helped a bit.

It was fun for me to explore a bit more of bash and try to work around of its limitations and probably it was one of the most useless ideas to work on but I had fun doing it. The script is probably filled with bad practices since I am not a bash expert but if you find better or more interesting ways to approach certain described problems I would be super happy to hear about them.